Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blogging for free

Today I received a request from Woman's Day Magazine to write a short piece on why I blog about my cancer. Although I was flattered to be asked, I was frustrated that the request did not offer to compensate me in any way for my time. It felt that Woman's Day was taking advantage of me, a woman living with breast cancer. I think I did the right thing. 
Here is the letter:
Hi Jill, 
I hope you’re doing well! I’m working on a story for Woman'sDay.com  about Breast Cancer bloggers. I came across your blog and would love to include you in the piece.

I’m looking for a first person narrative (about 300-500 words) about your experience with breast cancer, and what blogging has added to your experience. I’d also love to know what sort of impact you’ve had on other breast cancer patients and the cause in general.
When it comes to tone, the more your personality shines through, the better. I’d love for your narrative to really evoke your own personality and give the readers and honest view of what you’re going through and have gone through.
Let me know if you’d be up for it! It would be ideal if you could have the narrative back to me by Thursday or Friday.
Thanks so much! I’m looking forward to working together.
Amanda Greene | Staff Writer/Editor 
1271 Avenue of the Americas, 42nd Floor • New York, NY 10020

Here's my response:

Amanda, thank you for your interest in my blog. I am currently in active chemotherapy and doubt I could meet your three day deadline. 
When it comes to for-profit ventures, I am happy to discuss appropriate compensation and other details. I do generously donate my time to a variety of breast cancer nonprofits.
If you want to continue this conversation, please feel free to be in touch.
I hope that Women's Day will find a way to cover women living with metastatic disease. Stage IV cancer is under-reported in the media and significantly under-funded when it comes to cancer research.
Take care,

And here is Amanda's response:

Hi Jill,
Thanks so much for your reply. I completely understand about not being able to make the deadline--it's quite a short one.
I agree--I think that there should be a lot more coverage in the media about women living with Stage IV cancer. It would make a good web piece for October and I plan to look into it.
Thanks again, and best of luck.

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