Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Test results

My liver ultrasound revealed no change -- the liver tumors are neither bigger nor smaller. That means the Adriamycin appears not to have worked. Stable isn't necessarily bad news, but I have options.

I am going to have a consult with another oncologist my doctor respects to see if there is a clinical trial appropriate for me. I will likely see either  Georgiana K Ellis orJulie R Gralow at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.

I can always go back on Abraxane, the first chemo I tried in May-June. We don't really know how effective it was, since my first scan revealed the presence of liver mets for the first time.

In the meantime both Dr G and I knew about the recent FDA approval of recent FDA approval of high-dose Faslodex (fulvestrant) for metastatic breast cancer, so I had two 250 mg intramuscular shots in my tush this afternoon. (I had Faslodex once for only a few months when it appeared to cause additional edema. Of course, the edema might have been unrelated. Either way, it's a risk I am prepared to take for an effective treatment.)

I have a follow up appointment with Dr G in a month, unless something warrants coming in earlier.

For now this means no more chemo! I can recover from the last dose of Adriamycin and maybe my hair will grow back more quickly.

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