Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm number one!

Here's another thing Dr. GPO told me yesterday: He said that he has 14 myeloma patients right now, and I'm the healthiest one out of all of them. Now, I have no idea who the other myeloma patients are, or how he is judging "healthy", or if this is even true, but it's always nice to have someone claim that you're the best at something, right? So I'm feeling pretty good about this.

I'm finding my new status oddly motivating; in fact, it's what got me to go to the gym this morning. I can't slip from the coveted number-one spot. What if some 25-year-old smoldering MM patient slips in there with a sleek little M-spike, glittering white cells, and high, perky hemoglobin? I refuse to be runner-up. I have to stay on my toes. I'm not getting any younger, you know.

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