Friday, October 22, 2010

Busy week

I have been so busy this week as I feel better and better on this chemo break.

On Tuesday I had my regular weekly meeting with the synagogue's senior staff.

Wednesday was the funeral of one of our shul's past presidents and longtime members. I also made sesame cold noodles for the meal of consolation. The family has one vegan and that mourner needed to eat as well.

Thursday was my monthly treatment with zometa, the bone-strengthening drug that I've been on for years. I went to Swedish's Ambulatory Infusion Center at the Cherry Hill campus this time and was happy to see two of the nurses who have been taking care of me for many years. Then I went to my support group, and last night there was a synagogue board meeting.

Today I will be interviewed by Q13 Fox as part of a group of young women with breast cancer. The same reporter did a story on us a few years ago and wanted to follow up now. I will post when I know the program will air.

My lymphedema is acting up again, and I have begun to wear my sleeve and glove during the day and my (new-ish) JoviPak arm sleeve at night. This may be a side effect of the Faslodex, or I may have increased edema for other reasons, but clearly my season of no garment during the day/compression at night is over for now.

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