Choose your poison. A new study of more than a million British women indicates that if you have one alcoholic drink a day, you're more likely to get breast, liver and rectum cancers. Of course, a drink a day is good for your heart. But your healthy heart won't be pumping much if the rest of your body has died of cancer.
One theory for the alcohol-to-breast-cancer link is that the alcohol boosts estrogen levels.
On the other hand, two years ago the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute found that a component of cannibis sativa can help stop breast-cancer metastasis.
Don't look for any million-women studies on that any time soon, though.
Here's the link to an article on the British study: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/02/24/AR2009022402361_pf.html
And on the marijuana study: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/11/071123211703.htm
For some reason, my hot links tool isn't working.

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