Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's all good

I will do anything to be able to watch March madness
I am not worried about this spot at all, what ever it is (we won't truly know until extensive pathology is run on it). This spot was always a possibility (whatever it is) I was just hoping to get the news I got from the oncologist a couple of more years down the line.
I appreciate the prayers and well wishers thoughts and comments, but I will be alright I haven't forgotten how to eat elephant (one bite at a time). You should really pray for my family (R3); and the medical staff particularly the nurses as I will probably work their last nerves I am gona give 'em hell. (remember my history of going AWOL Stanford '07)

I am disappointed that I might not be able to work on defensive drills with Raegan "Da Glove" she is a defensive nightmare on the basketball court. Last week she played her man so hard she guarded him to his moms minivan after the game was over.

I am further disappointed that I won't be able to be as active with Ravyn "No Sports Nickname Yet" as she starts soccer soon; I think she will be more advanced than "Da Glove" was at 3 only because she has been watch her big sister and all the practice we have been getting in. I was also hoping to start running sprints by starting Ravyn on a two wheel bike this spring.

I am still undecided about school, I am in the program and with a cohort, the engineer department is aware of this latest hurdle, so I just have to make a decision.

PET scan on Friday
Thorasic surgeon meeting on 2/19/09 (next Thursday)

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