Sunday, February 8, 2009

Doesn't she know you catch more flies with honey?

WCK and I went to the grocery store yesterday, and she threw a full-blown tantrum in the cart: kicking, screaming, crying, yelling, wailing. WCK is generally very well-behaved in public and saves her tantrums for me at home. I'm used to grocery-store strangers beaming at us as I wheel past with the World's Cutest Kid smiling at everyone, or at least happily talking to herself. I am not used to the evil glares and/or looks of pity. I'm pretty sure we have a lifelong ban from the Price Chopper. The checkout lady pointed out that I was lucky that she at least remained in the cart and didn't try to escape. Mmm hmm. Truly, I was blessed.

In WCK's defense, she did apologize when we got home. "Mommy, I'm sorry I screamed at you at the store." It was so touching, I almost forgot about what happened. Then she threw another tantrum in the garage because I carried in the bag of groceries she wanted to carry. "I WANT TO DO THINGS MYSELF!!!" she sobbed. "AND YOU KEEP MESSING EVERYTHING UP!!!"

Now, why did my child freak out at the store? Is it because I refused to buy her a candy bar? A package of cookies? A toy? No. She freaked out because she wanted me to buy her a bottle of vinegar. True story.

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