Friday, February 6, 2009

Results and the dirt angel

I got my test results back yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to post them yet because the weather has been glorious here (60s and 70s!), and WCK and I have been spending a lot of time at different parks. Yesterday, I made the mistake of taking her to the park with the giant sand/dirt pit. She spent most of the time sitting in the sand/dirt, digging sand/dirt, throwing sand/dirt, and literally lying down and waving her arms and legs, trying to make sand/dirt angels. The weather was so nice, though, I didn't really care. That's why the good Lord made bath time.

Where was I? The results: M-spike is stable again at 1.6! Woo! I should be able to come down to 5 mg of Revlimid (the lowest dose possible) on the next cycle.

Also, my hemoglobin is still a robust 12.7, and that is after a month without the iron supplements. Go, red blood cells, go!

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