Tuesday, February 10, 2009

BAD news from the CT scan results

The CT results revealed a 7mm spot of interest in the bottom right lower lobe of my lung (at this point we don't know what the spot is); it is too small to wand, and would not be seen by doing a bronch; so keeping with the aggressive treatment plan that I have set for myself since my diagnosis the logical course of action is to surgically remove it then get the pathology report on it to help determine follow on treatments.

The news really didn't surprise me, I wish I could have heard it three or four years down the line but its all good I will just have to increase my exercise regiment over the next 3 weeks I am thinking about (75 minutes on the treadmill, 100 push ups, and 100 reps with my ab will each day until....)

I am glad that my sidekick for the day wasn't really aware of the news I was receiving in the doctors office, I had here playing games, and drawing pictures on the computer.

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