Monday, February 9, 2009

Eating Good and Eating Well

Somewhere along the line, foods that are good for you got a bad rap. "Eat this. It's good for you," is about as enticing to a child as saying, "Watch this documentary. You might learn something." Watching and eating something just because it's good for you are not the point.

But what if we can have food that tastes good and is good for us?

It's not only possible, it's easy.

When I started chemo almost two years ago, I concentrated on eating "nutrient dense" foods. I almost lost the good habits I established when I was eating to gain weight last summer and fall. Now I'm back to eating good and eating well. (When I'm not pigging out on BLATs, that is.)

Read more about the 11 Foods I AM Eating at Open Mouth, Insert Fork.

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