Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Neck, My Back

STAYING HOME TODAY, feeling bad and don't want to be renarcotized (a new word I learned from one of the radiology nurses he explained that being renarcotized is simply getting remedicated after a procedure by medication that has been absorbed in the bodies fatty tissue thus not being used during the procedure but released into the body later AT THE WRONG TIME).

OoohhWee, my neck hurts, my back hurts, my arm looks bad at from the IV site.

My neck hurts probably from the way I had to hold my head during the procedure; it kind or reminds me of how your neck bothers you at the beginning of any football season regardless of what level you are playing on. For the first two weeks of contact your neck along with other body parts are going to be sore.

The biopsy site is a little sore, my neck and arm bother me more.

The IV was only in my arm for 5 hours, it was sugar water and only ran for about an hour during the biopsy.

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