Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Up in the air....or not?

My San Diego flight is up in the air.....or rather grounded at the moment, due to the American Airlines aircraft inspections. A friend emailed me to let me know of the problem, and my flight is involved. Just kind of a wait and see thing I guess, to find out if my flight will be reinstated by Friday or if someone can find me an alternative flight. My daughter thought it was great they were doing the safety checks before I got on the plane, I probably would have preferred it became an issue after I had landed...I'm okay with living dangerously nowadays! Here's hoping they get it straightened out quickly! I'd hate to miss any of the San Diego event.

Just a P.S., I've added a survivor section to my blog, check the sidebar on the left. I've added links to the stories of inspiring appendix cancer survivors who have reqested to be part of my site. If anyone else owns a site they'd like me to link there, let me know!

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