Sunday, April 13, 2008

AACR Scientist<-> Survivor Program Post #1: Bullet Points

I've been attending the AACR Annual Meeting 2008 for the past two days, and it has been an amazing experience. I am learning so much. There's too much to write here right now...I want to get up early tomorrow. I want to take advantage of everything this event has to offer while I'm here, so I'll just bullet point some of the highlights for now.

  • As a medical professional I love learning what is new in medicine, and there is so much to learn here. There is more offered here than I could ever take advantage of. Several times I've wished I could be in two (or three) places at once.

  • I've attended lectures by scientists from MIT, MD Anderson, and John Hopkins today. I've learned so much. I didn't realize how much I didn't know about cancer. Cancer is an even bigger and smarter enemy than I knew it to be.

  • This event has been a beautiful visual representation of hope to me. I've seen thousands of scientists, some of the greatest minds in the world, all who have chosen to dedicate themselves to curing cancer. I've seen thousands of others here to learn and share what they've discovered. I've learned of research released only in the past 2 months, findings less than a year old. I see such dedication and commitment to finding a cure for cancer, so much passion, so many resources. I truly believe now that one day they will succeed in beating this terrible disease. How can they not? It's inspiring and hopeful to see how many people care about curing cancer.

  • I've felt very valued as a survivor and advocate in the scientific community. I guess I expected such brilliant minds to look down at us, to just humor our questions, but they don't. They treat us as colleagues. We are seen as an equal and integral part of the picture and part of the process in changing the world and in beating cancer. We can make a difference, we can help in the fight. That has been humbling....and motivating.

  • I've become passionate about funding for cancer research.

  • I've walked a lot, not slept much and have written pages and pages of notes. I have so much I want to learn more about after I get home.

    More later!
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