Friday, April 11, 2008

not what i intended

I had my hair cut on Wednesday. I've been growing it out (my hair was very short in the months before my diagnosis but now that I have hair again, I seem to want lots of it). This process has been really slow. The shortest bits on the top are no more than four inches long, despite the fact that my last hair-loss inducing chemotherapy session was in June 2006.

Every once in a while I go in and have it shaped, to make the growing out look less obvious and to avoid looking like I have a mullet. I've been going to the same guy for a few years.

On Wednesday, he cut my hair and then dried it. I was happy with how it looked. Then he set about thinning it out (my hair is pretty thick) and blending in the layers. At least that's what I think he was doing.

The end result is a kind of short shag. I'm not sure how I feel about it. And after getting it done, I kept feeling that each glance in the mirror reminded me of someone.

Last night it hit me.

Jon Bon Jovi.

My spouse agrees.

I'll have to see how it grows out.

S. and I are off to London, England tomorrow. Not sure if I will be online very much. We come back on April 19th.

Regular programming will resume after that.

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