Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Celebration of Life

"Imagine being surrounded by thousands of people who are grateful to be alive."

That's how Christine describes the Celebration of Life event at City of Hope, an annual reunion for patients who have undergone bone marrow or stem cell transplants.

Christine, a young, vibrant Filipina film maker, has an amazing story. Go to her blog and watch the "Original Plea for Help" and "And What Followed" YouTube videos. I guarantee that you'll fall instantly in love with her.

I had looked forward to meeting Christine in person at the Celebration on April 25. As a matter of fact, we had planned to have our pictures taken together with our mutual friend Nancy, another amazing City of Hope patient with a compelling story. We may have to get in line because City of Hope has selected Christine as one of their two media spokes people. Best of all, CoH is flying her bone marrow donor, Kent, all the way from China. Their first-time meeting will be in front of a few thousand guests (including Christine's family flying out from New York) and a dozen television cameras. I get cold chills just writing about this.

The event, which will also include remarks by Dr. Stephen Forman (my doctor, at left with Dr. Phil), entertainment by former patients, a visit by former Dodgers manager Tommy LaSorda and lots of food and games, will culminate in a group shot of all of us survivors.

Even if I don't get that talked-about photo with Christine and Nancy, I will have a cherished photo of the thousands of us who are in deed grateful to be alive.

Photos courtesy of City of Hope.

ONE YEAR AGO TODAY: I contemplated the "right size bag for the right size job."

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