Sunday, April 6, 2008

I get to use two eyeballs today

Today's my birthday -- the big 3 -3!

I read my previous birthday posts on this blog. When I turned 31, my goal was to have no health dramas the whole year. I didn't make it. When I turned 32, my goal was to get into remission. I didn't make it, although I'm a lot closer than I was last year. Am I jinxing myself by setting these goals? This year, I've decided I'm not going to set any goals; then when good things happen, I can say, "Wow! This great thing happened, and it wasn't even my goal! I didn't even plan on this!"

Jay already gave me one of my presents, which is a gift card to Barnes and Noble and the promise that I can go over there this afternoon BY MYSELF and spend time wandering through the store BY MYSELF to pick out some books. This has to be the greatest present ever. Usually when I go to Barnes and Noble, I spend 99 percent of the time in the children's section and the other 1 percent of the time trying to look at the grownup books as fast as I can with one eyeball while keeping an eye on WCK with the other eyeball. This is why I buy most books online. must love mothers of toddlers.

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