Thursday, April 17, 2008


I keep meaning to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the Jackie Malena Treatment Fund. (I will be sending out "real" thank-yous soon, I promise!) Jackie is a 32-year-old mother of two from Kansas City who is fighting a rare form of cancer. I headed up a donation drive through the MOMS Club, and we were able to donate nearly $800 to Jackie's fund. We also gave two boxes filled with little gifts to Jackie's two daughters and convinced Wal-Mart to donate some gift cards to the family. I'm so happy we were able to raise so much, and I appreciate the hard work of everyone who helped out. I'm technically "in charge" of the MOMS Club service projects, but I feel like I didn't do a whole lot. Even little Tom (remember little Tom, WCK's future husband?) sent in $5. We love Tom.

If you haven't had a chance to donate yet, you can visit Jackie's web site and find out how to send in a donation on your own: Every little bit can help!

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