Tuesday, April 29, 2008

False Alarm

False alarm (for now) folks Bo did not get the transplant, so we shall consider this a minor glitch on the road to getting rid of the cancer. Some false alarms / dress rehearsals are good though because you don't want to get the wrong lungs and have even more medical stuff to contend with after transplant, heck it is hard enough adjusting to the lungs.... it has taken me over a year to somewhat adjust and I am still trying to find the new norm. One thing I will say is that it takes cancer patients who are fortunate enough to get a transplant longer to get back in shape after transplant if they have neuropathy in their hands and feet.

I will keep you all posted on Bo, I have not communicated with him as I am giving him space to make sense of what all he and the family just went through, and I know they are being bombarded with questions from friends, and family.

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