Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the day after

I don't know why I always do this.

Ahead of time, I plan on being in bed the day after chemo (sure) but I also imagine all the things I will get done. In particular, I always seem to think the day after chemo will be a good day to get writing done.

And it always, turns out that, in reality, I can't concentrate long enough to read a book, knit on an easy project or even answer emails with any coherence.

And I am always disappointed in myself.

I know that some women work right through chemo treatments but I am not 'some women.' I am me.

And I have to stop beating myself up about it.

And I need to learn to lower my own expectations of myself. It's just so weird to remember, when I am feeling so well and healthy most of the time, that just a few hours of treatment will make me feel this crappy.

I did manage to read (and comment on) two great posts at BlogHer today. Check them out and let me know what you think:

I Want To Like Eckhart Tolle's Work. I just Can't Get There From Here by Mata H.

Paying The Price Of Vet Care - How Much Is Too Much? by lauriewrites

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