Monday, April 28, 2008

Bo Got the Call

1712 CST
Hey Everybody just got a call from Bo he just got the call, I just spoke with him, Pray everything Goes Well, I will keep you posted as I get info. He was driving down and sounded calm and mellow and Christi was with him and doing well too.

2342 CST
up all night wondering how the procedure is going for Bo I hope this isn't a false alarm call (a false alarm call is a call that you get to come to the hospital for your transplant procedure and it does not happen for one reason or another. Examples of things that might stop the procedure would be if the donor lungs had some sort of undetected virus in them, if the recipient has a cold/virus or is running a temp, also for a lung transplant patient they check us over at the time of transplant to make sure the cancer has not spread to our lymph nodes if so the transplant won't take place.) Bo and Christi will be enjoying his new lungs in a few days once he is out of the ICU.

I now know how Stu (Lockheed Lung Transplant Buddy in California) felt when I called him to tell him that I had just gotten the call to come into the hospital for the transplant.

I will have to take a sleeping pill to sleep tonight.

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