Monday, February 11, 2008

Visit with the TCEQ

Got to visit with the TCEQ family today, and talk openly about Lung Cancer and Organ donation. I hope that I was a little entertaining. I also took the opportunity to thank them for the support they have been and continue to be to my wife and the entire family. I was also there to help Jan as she prepares to run her first Ultra marathon (2/23/08 The Cowtown) she is raising money to donate to the family, while using my story / my family’s story as motivation. I hope our story helps to cover the long tough race ahead of her.

In closing Jan will be fine the first ultra is always the toughest (like I have run one, maybe in the future once I can feel my feet)

Good Luck Jan and the rest of the Fort Worth Runners Club members

Thanks again TCEQ for allowing to ramble on with some good information and some information that was TMI

This is also Day1 of living like a bachelor since my wife is out of town on business, the girls and I have made it so far, their hair still looks good, they have had healthy meals today, all is peaceful so far.

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