Friday, February 22, 2008

Lung Cancer is a National Crime

Lung cancer is a national crime, a national health epidemic. Statistically lung cancer kills more people/patients annually when compared to all of the other cancer(s) combined. Lung Cancer is not politically in vogue like the other cancer that society and of course our elected officials rally behind. Lung cancer will always be the #1 cancer killer until govt. and industry support research that will curb the epidemic that is lung cancer. It does no good to have funds established for programs that help lung cancer patients deal with the cancer (lung cancer) while we are going through treatment for the disease, use that money to find a cure up front and you won't need to ease your conscious by pampering lung cancer patients when we are ailing.

Bonnie J. Addario will be on Nancy Grace
Tune in to “Nancy Grace” on Monday, February 25, 20088pm ET / 5pm PT on HEADLINE NEWS“Nancy Grace” is television’s only justice themed/interview/debate show, designed for those interested in the justice story of the day. Bonnie J. Addario and Board member Deborah Morosini, MD will discuss Lung Cancer Bonnie J. Addario Nancy Grace

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