Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oh, my aching. . .

Guess what? Things are okay. Mostly. Life is...moving on and ahead. Last week, I saw my chemo oncologist, and we got on the topic of apparently two chemo/cancer-unrelated health issues that I now have: arthritis in my lower back/pelvic region and a hernia. The ct scan I got before starting chemo way back when showed the arthritis, but no one bothered to tell me because we had bigger fish to fry. But now my back is pretty much in pain most of the time, and sometimes my legs ache. My hernia will be taken care of when they open me up in April for surgery. But just in case (in case of what?), my family doctor wants me to see the surgeon yet again on Thursday. Seeing the surgeon, as nice as she may be, isn't on my list of fun things to do. Her office is a little disorganized and a lotta stressful sitting in there. But what am I gonna do?

So this might be the last entry for a while, unless something interesting happens. From now until April, my focus is on what's on my secret priority list, which I can't talk about here because, well, it's secret.


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