Friday, February 15, 2008

A very stinky Valentine's Day

As I've mentioned before, WCK and I are huge fans of local children's performer Mr. Stinky Feet. WCK received her first Mr. Stinky Feet CD from Santa at Christmas, and I was very excited about it. Finally, something new and interesting to listen to in the car. We'd spent about a year listening to the same three Sesame Street CDs and the Wizard of Oz soundtrack. You know that when I'M getting tired of the Wizard of Oz soundtrack, it's been going on too long.

At first, it was great. The songs were upbeat and funny. WCK loved it. Mr. Stinky Feet became the only thing she'd listen to in the car.

By New Year's, Mr. Stinky Feet had invaded my brain. It doesn't help that most Mr. Stinky Feet songs tend to be incredibly repetitive and set up residence in one's brain very easily. There is always a Mr. Stinky Feet song going on in the background of my mind, night and day, no matter what I am doing. Even as I type this, my mind is quietly going:

What do you want for lunch?
What do you want for lunch?
What do you want for lunch?
And jelly -- oooh, oooh!
And jelly -- oooh, oooh!
And jelly -- oooh, oooh, oooooooh!

Or ...

Goin' on a road trip
Goin on a road trip
Not a fancy boat trip
Goin' on a road triiii-hip
Goin' on a road trip
Goin on a road trip
Oh, won't you please come along?

I've just sort of accepted it. There's not a lot I can do, except ... buy a new Mr. Stinky Feet CD, so I have a bigger list of songs for my brain to choose from. I gave WCK the new CD yesterday for Valentine's Day, but really it was a little gift to myself. The new CD has "Red Wagon", and -- I'm not exaggerating -- this song TOTALLY, TOTALLY ROCKS, people.

Maybe I need professional help. I'd think it over, but my brain is too busy going:

What color is your mini-van?
What color? What color?
What color is your mini-van?
What color? What color?

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