Friday, February 15, 2008

to warmer climes

I took this picture of the front of my house yesterday morning. We have had another dump of snow since.

The shot below, of my 55lb dog sitting on my front walk, gives you an idea of the height of the snowbanks.

It's -21 Celsius (-6 Fahrenheit) today with the windchill. In other words, it's bloody cold.

I am off to Florida with my four year old tomorrow. We need to leave for the airport at 4:30am.

We are flying via Cleveland and it will take us forever to get there.

I don't care. It's going up to 24 Celsius (75 Fahrenheit) in Sarasota tomorrow. By this time tomorrow, I will hopefully have dipped my toes in the ocean.

And the only white powdery stuff around will be the sand on the beach.

I'll be back online on February 25th.

I also have a short post up at Mommybloggers.

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