Friday, February 8, 2008

two finished objects and a felted bag

I have several almost finished knitting projects kicking around the house. Yesterday, and the day before, I bit the bullet and finished two of them.

This is the "Heartbreakingly Cute Baby Kimono" from Mason-Dixon Knitting. For months all it needed was for me to sew the little cords on for the tie.

The lighting is not great in this shot but it really is heart-breakingly cute (how could a new-born sized kimono, not be?). This one's going to the Warm Hands Network.

These socks have been languishing for a few weeks, needing only one toe to be finished. The photo really does not do justice to the Fleece Artist yarn. The socks are REALLY thick but very comfortable. I just haven't been brave enough to check how comfortable they'll be with shoes on.

The bag below is from a free pattern from Black Sheep Bags. It's called a Booga Bag and I stumbled on it when I was yearning for a felted bag (seriously, I was. They're strong and light. And I think they're cool).

Since I first stumbled on the pattern, it's become a bit of a knitting craze.
If you feel like it, go to Flickr and do a search for 'Booga' you get 2,563 results and the overwhelming majority are pictures of this bag.

This is what it looked like before I felted it:

And this is what it looks like, after being machine washed in hot water and rinsed in cold:

I had been warned that this is not a big bag, but the thing is tiny. It looks like I'll be able to fit my wallet, keys (if I can find them), a lipstick and maybe a tiny notebook and a pen.

Maybe I shouldn't have run the bag through the whole wash cycle. Thoughts?

I like how it looks, though and the way the colours blended together. And it will be a nice light purse.

I'll post more pics once I make the holes for the straps and add them on.

You have no idea how much clutter I had to move out of the way to take EACH of these pictures.

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