Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tom to the rescue!

My friends DeAnna and Karyn, who live in Minneapolis, have two sweet little boys, including 4-year-old Tom. If you'll remember, Tom and WCK are scheduled to be married in about 25 years at the Chapel of Love at the Mall of America. (Reception to be held at the food court overlooking Camp Snoopy, or whatever they're calling the amusement park these days) After I posted about raising money for Jackie Malena and also e-mailed nearly everyone I know, I got this e-mail from DeAnna:

"I visited her website and was horrified, and I don't even know the woman. We have started to do money management with Tom, where every time he gets money, he puts some in an envelope to save, some to spend, and some to share (I think this comes from a website, like, or something). So I told this story to Tom (well, I made it far less sad and frustrating than it actually is: Karen's friend is sick, she has two small kids, and getting well costs a lot of money), and I suggested that maybe he would like to send some of his Share money to the lady to help her get well. He said -- and I quote -- 'Yeah, I would like to help! Because I'm a good helper!' Oh, man. So sweet, but so funny, too. So eventually Tom will send you like $4.81 in an envelope."

Tom is a really good man. I'm so lucky to have him as my son-in-law.

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