Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fight for Jackie

Once again, I'm in charge of an effort to raise money for a good cause through the MOMS Club. We recently learned of a local mom named Jackie Malena who is battling a rare form of cancer. She's 32 years old and has two little girls. Her (Evil) insurance company is refusing to pay for treatments, so her friends have set up a fund to raise money for her. For more on Jackie's story, visit www.fightforJackie.com. You can donate through PayPal on the site or send a check to the address listed there. You can also send money to me, and I can include it with our MOMS Club donation. We're hoping to send our contribution by the end of March.

I really, really want to help, because I know that if our insurance company was refusing to pay for things, we would be out of luck. I either wouldn't be able to afford treatment, or I'd be getting the Old-Fashioned Myeloma treatments -- the kind that give you just, like, three years to live at the most. My Revlimid costs nearly $8,000 for 21 pills. My stem-cell harvest cost $50,000. We pay a $20 co-pay for the Rev, and we didn't pay a cent for the harvest. Insurance even reimbursed us for our lodging costs when we were in Rochester for three weeks. We're really, really, really lucky here.

Now, if insurance wanted to deny me access to the Dex, that would be fine with me.

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