Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blood Pressure Update

Yesterday I had an appointment at the clinic to have my bp checked. So the research nurse called me in and I assumed the position, laid down and on my back. We have to use my leg to take readings because we can’t use my arms. I have a PICC line in one arm and lymphedema in the other. She took three readings, all being around 168/85. That’s down from 170/101 last Thursday because of 5mg of Ramipril that I’m on. She asked me if I was still having headaches and I said yes. They seem to be with me all the time to some degree even tho I take aspirin.

OK she says, I’ll go see the Onc to see what he has to say about these numbers. She came back and took one more reading … 140/85. That’s much better I thought. She then said the Onc wants you to double your Ramipril and we’ll reevaluate this coming Thursday.

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