Friday, November 26, 2010

Runnin' fool

Yesterday I finally ran the Thanksgiving 5k with Jay and my sister. I'd say the worst part of the race was having to stand around and wait for the race to start, because it was about 20 degrees outside. I hate cold temperatures and I'm very wimpy, so I wasn't entirely sure I'd survive. Right before the race, volunteers were setting cups of water on a table. I picked one up and discovered a solid ring of ice over the top. Not a good sign. Then my feet and hands started to go numb. The D.J. started playing, "Hot! Hot! Hot!" just to be mean. I didn't stretch, because the thought of sitting on the cold, cold ground made me want to cry, only I couldn't cry, because my tears would freeze to my face.

But once the race started, I got all warmed up, and I had a good time. I ran with my sister, and I had my iPod with all of my Bon Jovi/New Kids/Backstreet Boys/various other crappy music that I love. I hope I can do some more races and improve my time. Best of all, we could all consume an enormous Thanksgiving meal guilt-free. I'm thinking that the guilt-free eating should extend into several days of leftovers, too. Mmmm, guilt-free leftovers.

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