Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Metastatic Support Group

I am thrilled to say that the Cross Cancer Clinic is now offering a Metastatic Cancer Support Group for women. The focus of the group is to encourage dialogue among women with metastatic cancer. The launch of this program has been such a long time coming for all with mets.

The common ground that brings mets gals together is to help each other deal with the emotional realities when faced with living with mets. Each gal sharing their personal experience on treatment, how they cope and how they find hope.

I attended the very first two sessions and found that they’re so helpful to me. For example, last week we talked a bit about finding hope when hope is hard to find. I shared my experience to the group, sometimes when I’m low on hope, I create my own. I schedule a special event like go out to a dinner theater, maybe a mini vacation like a family visit in another city or just go out and buy a new outfit. 

For me, I find it always helps when you have something to look forward to and focus on. While this support group might not extend your life here, participating will give you a better quality of life while you are here.

So if you are in the Edmonton AB area and living with mets and would like to join, call the main reception number of the Psychosocial and Spiritual Resources Program at (780) 643 - 4303.

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