Sunday, November 28, 2010

The perfect Thanksgiving day

I think we have finally hit upon the perfect Thanksgiving celebration.

Before everyone comes over, watch the Macy's Parade from New York City, with special emphasis on the Broadway shows. (It's especially important to sigh over never growing tall enough to dance with the Radio City Rockettes.)

In the afternoon get together with closest family and friends. Everyone pitches in to make the meal. Our menu for fifteen, including six teenagers and four vegetarians:
Green salad 
Pickled green tomatoes 
Roast turkey 
Gravy (turkey & vegetarian) 
Cranberry-sour cherry chutney
Brussel sprouts 
Salmon & mushroom-leek filo packets
Sparkling juices and wine
We asked everyone to suggest something to toast: good health, joy in friendship, delicious food, you name it.

Then go to see a movie together. This requires selecting a movie that everyone will enjoy (or at least tolerate) and choosing the theatre and screening time in advance so people can purchase tickets. We went to the newest Harry Potter film, which almost everyone was eager to see.

Come back to the house for snack and dessert. Because we keep kosher, and also because it had been several hours since we'd eaten meat, we could have a dairy snack: 
Four different cheeses with crackers and sliced apples
Apple and pumpkin pies
Apple cake
Vanilla ice cream
Coffee and tea

Last, play games. We played a rousing rendition of Celebrity and Apples to Apples.

It was a wonderful day that lasted well into the evening and perhaps one of the best Thanksgiving celebrations ever.

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