Saturday, November 6, 2010

Nurses Singing in the Chemo Room

Last Thursday in the Chemo room, I noticed some nurses gathering in one corner. Then all of a sudden they broke out into song … similar to what you have in restaurants when someone is having a birthday. Except instead of singing the words to Happy Birthday, they made up some other words which went something like this … Happy last chemo to you, happy last chemo to you, happy last chemo  dear *****, happy last chemo to you … and never more. The smile on the recipient’s face was big as big can be. I thought to myself, now that is pretty cool. And it happened once again a short time later.

As I was waiting for someone to book an appointment for me, I sat down beside one of the deserved gals. She had just received her last chemo and nobody could ever wipe that smile off her face. She was pretty happy and on top of all that she was getting her PICC line pulled too. We chatted for a while about our PICC line experiences and found out that she was a bit nervous about having it pulled. I said, this is my second one and when they pulled the first one, I felt no pain or discomfort. I think that put her a little at ease. I asked if I could watch and she said sure. Unfortunately, I had to leave when the nurse called me up to book my next appointment. Too bad I couldn't be there for her.

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