Thursday, November 11, 2010

BP Check at the Clinic

This past Monday I got a call saying the trials nurse wanted to see me Wednesday. My first reaction was oh no … I hope there are no surprises in store. But it turns out all she wanted to do was check my bp. Because I wasn’t seeing her for eight days, she wanted to have a quick peak on what my bp levels were.

So the nurse proceeded to unravel a thigh cuff … I said, don’t you want to use my arm now? Oh I forgot, no more PICC eh? she just grabbed the thigh cuff out of habit. Then I said, I think we will be pleasantly surprised by the numbers and sure enough we were.

My first reading was 133/84 … yahoo! Wow that is really good she said. Prior to coming here, I said to D, I am going to take our home bp monitor with me to compare with the clinics monitor. So she alternated bp monitors, taking three more readings. They were all pretty well in line except, our home monitor appears to be five points higher on the systolic. That’s good to know and I will adjust for that.

Each morning I take three readings and average. This morning my bp is 122/85.

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