Monday, November 29, 2010

Don't worry. Be happy.

A few days ago, I saw a woman wearing a shirt that said, "Don't worry, be happy." I spent the next several minutes mentally correcting the punctuation. In my perfect punctuation world, the shirt would have said, "Don't worry. Be happy." I also would have accepted "Don't worry; be happy", but a semi-colon seemed just a little too formal in this situation. Then I pondered "Don't worry: Be happy", but I wasn't sure. I think it would be best to go with the period. "Don't worry! Be happy!" seemed a little hyper.

Then I realized I wasn't taking the shirt's advice, because I was worrying about it. Then I realized that worrying about punctuation makes me happy. What to do? What to do?

Really, I should have been worrying about something else entirely, such as how this woman managed to gain access to a time machine and transport herself back to 1988 to purchase the shirt in the first place.

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