Friday, June 5, 2009

The summer begins

Wow. I haven't blogged in over a week! There hasn't been anything too terribly exciting to talk about. With WCK out of preschool, the days have been a little long, but we've been pretty good about filling them with fun summer activities. This week, we've already completed one list of books for the summer program at the library, gone out for ice cream, played at a couple of parks, and gone roller skating again.

We've also just spent a lot of time out in the yard, blowing bubbles, playing in the wading pool or the sandbox, and playing various games invented by WCK that usually involve one of us chasing the other one around the outside of the house. My favorite one was called "Animal Who Bites." One of us was, of course, the non-specific Animal Who Bites, and she had to chase the other one around the yard, while growling wildly. It was pretty much the same game as "Wild Animal" and "Tyrannosaurus Rex", but I think "Animal Who Bites" has the best name.

Today, we decided to go down to Crown Center to see a new Lego exhibit there. I was expecting something fun and fanciful made from Legos, like the statues you see at LegoLand at the Mall of America. Instead, it was a bunch of somber, modern-art-type sculptures that nobody was allowed to touch. Don't get me wrong: The Lego statues were pretty cool -- but not to a four-year-old. She really did not appreciate the life-sized green naked man who was removing his own head, the disembodied hand, or the tiny gray naked man who was curled up in a fetal position. We didn't stay long.

For the rest of the day, all I heard was, "Why was the Lego mik-zibit so BORING? WHY?" Well, Crown Center exhibit-planners? Why?

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