I have been busy... real busy. Moving back to SF next weekend, still job hunting, fixing up the scooter, purging all of my posessions and old memories. Life after cancer is a wonderful and terrifying thing- my body feels stronger with every passing day, but my psyche is taking quite the beating. I feel hollow and numb. When anxiety builds up and becomes too much to handle, I simply shut down. At times I'm unable to run simple errands, or even update the blogs I'm committed to. Though chemo was the toughest trial of my life, I was able to revert to a safe, catatonic state in which I had no responsibility other than getting well. Now I've got to start living again, hurrah.
I see that this blog has been listed as a Top 50 Cancer Resource on asbestosnews.com. To whoever wrote the article and the touching review, thank you! I recommend checking it out, it's got links to many other fantastic blogs in the young-adult cancer community.
Occasionally I will get emails from others who are just beginning this journey and have somehow stumbled upon my blog and found inspiration in my story. I LOVE receiving these letters. I am humbled and deeply grateful that this blog is doing exactly what it was intended to do. It validates my entire cancer experience.
In other news, my hair is gowing back! IT COMES BACK, trust me. It took about a month, but now I've got eyebrows and armhair and little downy fuzz all over my head. Lately I've been having frightening hair dreams- last night I dreamt I had an afro, while last week my hair came back in a ring around my head. Terrible!
Oh, another thing. I recieved my retroactive disability check yesterday! Holy. Crap. I am so, so thankful that I took the time to fill out all of those forms and pester my oncologist for weeks to get a testimony. I urge any of you who haven't considered SSD to talk to a social worker and see if you're eligible. I hadn't worked "on the books" since 2007 and still qualified. Without it, I couldn't possibly start my life again so soon. More info at www.ssa.gov.
Here are video/pictures from my surprise birthday party last month. It was ridiculous, the amount of love I felt that day...
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