Monday, June 22, 2009

ER visit from hell (Father's Day)

Yesterday I felt really bad and tried to tough it out as long as I could but in the end I had to get a ride to the ER. My wife is still out of town that is why it took me so long to go into the ER, I had to find someone to watch the girls for me. I got my sister-in-law to watch the girls and drop (STRESS the word drop off) at the ER at about 10 PM CST. I could not hold any fluids down, eat anything, or even take my meds; on top of all that I was vomiting all day. The visit to the ER close to my house (Southwest Side of Fort Worth, TX) was horrible:
  • They don't take the precautions that should be taken when handling a transplant patient
  • Most of the medical professionals I was treated by had never dealt with a lung transplant patient.
  • They refused to contact the transplant doctor on call at the hospital where all my post transplant care is given.
  • These doctors (loosely used) basically gave me some IV fluids, some anti-nausea meds, then sent me home (discharged at 214 AM CST) Knowing I had no one at home to watch me, not knowing if I could take my meds, and also with the knowledge that I did not have a ride home. When I told them I had no was home at 214 AM they said I could just sit and wait in the waiting room.

After this experience I hope I NEVER HAVE THE MISFORTUNE of Being TREATED at Harris Methodist Southwest's ER staff ever again.

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