Monday, June 1, 2009

Post-gardening pains

The garden looks terrific, but I woke up this morning so stiff in the hips I could scarcely get out of bed. Vicodin helped, but I must really be out of shape to be so sore after only three hours on my knees. Today I swore off any more gardening and hope to be able to do some small tasks later this week. The sun keeps on shining, amazing for usually rainy Seattle! And of course the ironing awaits...

I went to Costco with L and watched her pile a cart high with everything under the sun. My own purchases were more modest -- olive oil, maple syrup, coffee, lox, some Copper River sockeye salmon and a new rug for the front door. I also found a teak shower seat marked "last one" and at an extraordinarily reasonable price. Someone must have returned it.

Everyone should have at least one Costco treat per visit!

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