Monday, June 8, 2009

Specific target gene found using CML mouse model

Loss of the Alox5 gene impairs leukemia stem cells and prevents chronic myeloid leukemia by Yaoyu Chen, Yiguo Hu, Haojian Zhang, Cong Peng, Shaoguang Li, Nature Genetics 2009(June 7).

For a news release about this article, see: A lethal cancer knocked down by one-two drug punch, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, June 7, 2009. Excerpts:
The researchers found that CML did not develop in mice without Alox5 because of impaired function of leukemia stem cells. Also, Alox5 deficiency did not affect normal stem cell function, providing the first clear differentiation between normal and cancer stem cells.
[Shaoguang] Li also treated mice with CML with Zileuton, an asthma medication that inhibits the Alox5 inflammation pathway, as well imatinib, commonly known as Gleevec, the most effective current leukemia medication. Imatinib effectively treated CML, but Zileuton was more effective. The two drugs combined provided an even better therapeutic effect.

[Thanks to Alexey Bersenov].

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