Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shedding Some Light on EOS

Since eosinophilic blood disorders are extremely rare, only a handful of doctors in the country specialize in them. One of them, Dr. Gotlib, is a hematologist with the Stanford Cancer Center. Since I've been itching to take a trip to SF anyway, I decided to combine the getaway with a visit with Dr. Gotlib on April 27.

He'll review a year's worth of my blood charts and my doctor's notes before our appointment next Monday. I'm eager to find out his conclusions and recommendations for a course of action.

I want to get away from the watch, wait, react mode.

In the mantime, I'm still enjoying the extra boost of Prednisone-fueled energy, I'm eating like a horse and I'm not gaining or losing weight. All good things.

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