Thursday, April 23, 2009

Doctor Visit

Went and hung out all FREAKING day at the heart / lung clinic but I had a packed lunch, a snack, another snack, my IPOD, puzzle book(s), laptop and Internet access.... I only got bored the last 2 hours while sitting in the waiting room (so I took a nap, that right I was sprawled out on the chairs Al Bundy style snoring and scratching).

The visit was uneventful. My meds are still the same, the decreased prednisone 5mg in the morn. and Double Strength Bactrum on Monday and Thursday now. I finished my annual Lung Transplant evaluation my PFT's are up from my March Spa visit (which is good) I didn't do the 6 minute walk as that was done in March right after I got out of the Spa and it was still more than double what I had done the previous year (I think the headband, the full body suit and the healies helped).

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