Thursday, April 16, 2009

Article in the San Francisco News

Stem-cell stalemate: The push for cures may produce only disappointment - or worse, Peter Jamison, San Francisco News, April 14, 2009. Excerpt from page 5:
And CIRM's 2009 funding priorities speak volumes about the direction of its decision-making. In its first two years of operating — legal challenges kept CIRM from starting its operations until 2007, setting back its sunset date to 2017 — the agency has distributed more than $600 million in grants for basic science and facilities. By contrast, the next round of grants will devote more than $200 million to disease teams; the goal for these teams is to prepare therapies for FDA clinical trials within four years. As little as $20 million will go to basic research.
Found via: The California Stem Cell Story: Safety, Waste and Promises, David Jensen, California Stem Cell Report, April 15, 2009.

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