Monday, April 6, 2009

Nipping the EOS in the Bud

I wrote last week about my misbehaving EOS. These are the same devious little culprits that infiltrated my lungs and GI tract last year and made me very, very sick.

I was originally scheduled to retest my blood a week from today, but I got a little nervous about waiting. Each day, I can tell that I am becoming incrementally sicker. A little more coughing. A little more fatigue. A little more short of breath. I don't think you can tell by looking at me or talking to me (except for the cough) that I'm not feeling up to par, but I am all too familiar with the mild symptoms that once turned into a three-month nightmare.

I finally emailed my doctor today and reported the progression. He scheduled me for bloodwork, a chest x-ray and pulmonary testing tomorrow and a consult on Thursday. He said that it's likely that I'll be put back on prednisone, the drug that's like Phen Phen for my lean body. To keep from losing weight, I'll have to start consuming 3,000 to 3,500 calories a day. Woe is me!

Actually, the timing couldn't be better. I'm planning to make biscuits and sausage gravy on Saturday morning and a calorie-laden Easter dinner on Sunday. (I think a serving of the scalloped potatoes alone has 2,500 calories.)

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