Saturday, December 27, 2008

Subway: Eat fresh

Santa came through: WCK got her set of plastic Subway food on Christmas morning. Whew. If you'll recall, WCK has been asking about this set almost on a daily basis since about August or September. She reminded Santa in person twice, and once via letter. She keeps asking me how Santa managed to find it, since we couldn't find it ourselves at Toys R Us. Santa is magic, I say. Also, he shops online.

Here's a photo of it from Christmas morning:

Now we spend nearly every moment playing "Subway". First, WCK tells us that Subway is closed, and we have to leave the room while she carefully sets all of the pieces on the coffee table. Then she tells us that Subway has opened, and we have to step up to the coffee table and order our sandwiches, salads, cookies, and bottled water. She prepares everything carefully and puts it on our tray, and then rings it up on her toy cash register. I usually pay via a fake credit card with WCK's photo on it that we got from a machine at Chuck E. Cheese. My mom even wrote "Subway" on some pieces of tissue paper, so we could wrap up the sandwiches and have them to go.

Is there anything better than plastic cheese?

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