Monday, December 8, 2008

Santa Encounter II

Another big Christmas event: WCK actually sat on Santa's lap! This was a real mall Santa with a real beard. This one was an Authentic Old Guy who did not have any visible tattoos. WCK would not make direct eye contact with him, but she did smile for the photo and then reminded Santa -- while not looking at him -- about the Subway set. She also sent him a letter today. (Exact content of letter: "Dear Santa, Hi. How are you? I want the Subway set. Love, WCK") Santa can't say he wasn't reminded about that Subway set.

I'm brand new to this sitting-on-Santa's-lap thing, so all of you Santa veterans will have to answer this: Are you supposed to tip Santa? I noticed the dad in front of me in line shook Santa's hand and smoothly slipped Santa a folded-up bill, just like smooth rich guys do in movies when they want to get a good table at a fancy restaurant. Santa casually slipped the bill inside his sleeve, like this kind of thing happens all the time. Really? Really, Santa?

I did not tip Santa when it was our turn. I guess I'm getting a lump of coal this year.

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