Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lazy newsletter

Nearly every year since Jay and I have been married, I've written a Christmas newsletter and sent it out with the cards. This year I was feeling lazy, plus I already write about our family almost every day in the blog. What more could I say in a Christmas letter? I finally decided to order some personalized postcard-like cards that I found for really cheap online, and I added a line that says something like, "For updates on our family, visit (the blog address)."

Would Miss Manners frown on this? Probably. I still thought it was a good idea, until I realized that I usually make our family sound semi-respectable and mature in the Christmas newsletter by pointing out all of the respectable things that we actually do (We volunteer at church! I'm the Community Service Director for my stay-at-home-moms group! Jay works really hard and is a computer genius! WCK wants to be an astronaut when she grows up!). When people visit the blog, though, what are they going to find? Videos of Jordan Knight with no shirt on.

I'd vow to start making the blog more respectable from now on ... but do you know how many Shirtless Jordan videos are available on YouTube? A lot.

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