Saturday, December 6, 2008


I am thinking my three-year-old deserves an acting scholarship to a prestigious drama school. Examples, just from today:

WCK has watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer twice already this season. Her favorite part is the ending, when the big snow monster puts the star on top of the tree. Today, when we were decorating our own tree, she asked if she could put the star on the top, just like the big snow monster. I explained that we don't have a star for the top of our tree.

WCK threw her hands in the air.

"CHRISTMAS IS RUINED!!!!!" she cried.

Later, that same day ...

I was trying to help WCK get ready for church, and she was crying -- dramatically, of course -- that she did not like church and did not want to go. I was trying to explain all of the nice things about church, when she interrupted me.

"Stop talking!" she said. "I am TRYING to be SAD!"

I can't wait until she is a teenager. Can't wait.

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