Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bottomless peck

Jay, WCK, and I picked apples at an orchard over the weekend. I had never been apple picking before. It was very fun, and we ended up with a peck of apples. I never had any idea what a "peck" was, other than the amount of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked.

Our bucket didn't seem very full at the orchard, but it turns out that a peck of apples is a lot for our little family. It seems like we have been having apples at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, and we've hardly made a dent in our peck. The number of apples in the bag never seems to go down. It's like the apples keep having babies or cloning themselves overnight. Thinking I needed to get creative with the peck, I found a recipe for Apple Pie Pockets. I made those yesterday afternoon and WCK "helped". (Mostly, she kept trying to eat the cinnamon-sugar mixture.) Now we are constantly eating apples and apple pie.

Does the "apple a day keeps the doctor away" philosophy hold true if the apple is inside a pie? I say yes.

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