Saturday, October 18, 2008

State Fair & Soccer Pictures

Raegan and Grandma, (side note happy after a loss, there are no smiles in a loss, get angry)
What is wrong with Me, I seem to be happy after the loss too, it must be the medication.

The doctors tell me to watch what I eat as transplant patients have dietary restrictions, I am following their advice I am watching what I eat, COME HERE COTTON CANDY GET IN MY BELLY, YOU TOO PUSH POP
Look out fair R3 (Rhonda, Raegan, Ravyn), Mom, and Niece oh yea an guess who is working the camera
A truck like Daddies, except it is Pink
Let's eat the Girls went through 4 Corny Dogs this year.
Last year Ravyn was too little to ride this ride.
Of course we had to go look at the trains, the girls love trains

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